
This page summarizes the overall steps required to program a pneumatic system. Pneumatics are controlled by the Pneumatic Control Module (PCM), which is wired to the pneumatic components. Like any other actuator, the compressor and pneumatic solenoid (the thing that controls the cylinder ) need to be declared.

Each pneumatic component is controlled based on the node it is plugged in on the PCM (0-7), as seen below:

Operating a compressor

A compressor pumps air into the system.

Instantiating a compressor The number corresponds with the PCM Node ID.

Compressor COMPRESSORNAME = new Compressor(0);

Starting a compressor


Stopping a compressor


Reading compressor status

boolean enabled = COMPRESSORNAME.enabled            //Checks if compressor is on
boolean pressureSwitch = COMPRESSORNAME.getPressureSwitchValue();   //Check pressure switch value
double current = COMPRESSORNAME.getCompressorCurrent();             //Check current of compressor

Single Solenoids

A single solenoid valve has one solenoid, and shifts when voltage is supplied to that solenoid.
When voltage is removed, it shifts back to a “home” position.

Solenoid exampleSolenoid = newSolenoid(1);


The number corresponds with the Pneumatic Control Module (PCM) Node ID

Double Solenoids

A double solenoid has two solenoids, and when voltage is supplied to one (and not the other) the valve shifts. What this means is that the cylinder has no home position, so when power is cut, the valve will stay where it was at that time, and the cylinder will continue to do work in the direction is was working in

Forward Channel - 1st channel, kforward Reverse channel - 2nd channel, kReverse

DoubleSolenoid exampleDouble = new DoubleSolenoid(1, 2);


The number corresponds with the Pneumatic Control Module (PCM) Node ID